Tools - Nmap

Nmap is one of the most used tools in the world of security.
Through this article, I will present this scanner and the different options that we can use.
Of course, I can not reinvent the options as well as their definitions
(so I was inspired by the documentation :,
in this article they will first be presented as text and then in the form of synthetic tables


About Nmap

Nmap is a free port scanner created by Fyodor and distributed by

To scan ports on a remote computer, Nmap uses a variety of scanning techniques that rely on protocols such as TCP, IP, UDP, or ICMP.
Similarly, it relies on the responses it gets to particular queries to get an imprint of the IP stack, often specific to the system that uses it.

It is through this method that he can recognize the version of an operating system and the version of services (also called daemons) listening

Host discovery




Different types of scan


TCP SYN Scan (-sS)

First, we have the default scan which is the SYN scan (-sS).

The advantage of this scan is that it does not terminate the connections, which makes it discreet.

He sends a SYN packet, and waits for an answer, as if he wanted to open a connection.

A SYN / ACK response will indicate that the port is listening (open), while an RST (reset) response will indicate that it is not listening.
If we do not have an answer or an error message, the port can be filtered.

nmap Source:

TCP Connect Scan (-sT)

Here, it is the same principle as the SYN scan, but Nmap establishes a connection with the remote machine to determine if the port is open, so it is a scan that is more noisy.

With this type of scan, files logs are quickly filled and old machines may not support as many connections.

I do not recommend using this type of scan unless we can not do SYN scan


UDP Scan (-sU)

UDP scanning is enabled with the -sU option. It can be combined with a TCP scan, like the SYN scan (-sS), to check both protocols during the same execution of Nmap.

Even though the most popular Internet services are based on TCP, UDP services are also widely used. DNS, SNMP or DHCP (ports 53, 161/162 and 67/68) are the three most common examples.

Do not neglect this type of scan.

For the next two scans, I used the definition given on the official website of nmap ( because I can not explain them as well

TCP ACK Scan (-sA)

This scan is different than the others discussed so far in that it never determines open (or even open|filtered) ports.

It is used to map out firewall rulesets, determining whether they are stateful or not and which ports are filtered.

ACK scan is enabled by specifying the -sA option. Its probe packet has only the ACK flag set (unless you use --scanflags).
When scanning unfiltered systems, open and closed ports will both return a RST packet. Nmap then labels them as unfiltered, meaning that they are reachable by the ACK packet, but whether they are open or closed is undetermined. Ports that don't respond, or send certain ICMP error messages back, are labeled filtered.


TCP Idle Scan (-sI)

Fundamentally, an idle scan consists of three steps that are repeated for each port:

  • Probe the zombie's IP ID and record it.
  • Forge a SYN packet from the zombie and send it to the desired port on the target. Depending on the port state, the target's reaction may or may not cause the zombie's IP ID to be incremented.
  • Probe the zombie's IP ID again. The target port state is then determined by comparing this new IP ID with the one recorded in step 1.
  • nmap

    Port specifications


    Service and version detection


    Other options

    nmap nmap

    Synthetic table

    This table was created by me. You can use it if you quote this article ;) ! (.xlsx file)

    Options Effects

    Types of scan
    "-sS/sT/Sa/sW/sM" Scans TCP SYN/Connect()/ACK/Windows/Maimon
    "-sN/sF/sX" Scans TCP Null, FIN, Xmas
    "-sU" Scan UDP
    SCAN TCP Test the connection to the ports (send SYN SYN/ACK ACK)
    SCAN SYN Just send a SYN and the connection is cut (more discreet)

    Port Specifications
    "-p <range of ports>" Scan the specified ports Example : -p 22; -p 1-1024;
    "-p-" Scan all the prots
    "-Pn" Disables host discoveries and forces Nmap to scan each system as if it were active :
    this is very useful for discovering hidden services

    Service and version detection
    "-sV" Test open ports to determine the listening service and its version
    "-A " Enables OS and version dectetion
    "-sUV" The goal is to trigger the sending of a response from the target.

    Examples of commands
    nmap -p- -A -v -sS -U -Pn -sV <targ> Long but complete scan
    nmap -p- -v -A -sT -sU <targ> Scan a little faster services tcp / udp
    nmap -sU --top-port 20 <targ> Scan the 20 most used ports in UDP
    nmap -F <targ> Scan the 100 most commonly used ports in TCP

    "-oX myrepport.xml" The report is generated in XML format

    xsltproc myrepport.xml -o myreport.html Convert the report to HTML to open in a browser

    End of this article

    Through this article, I presented the different nmap options with tables. Of course, I did not present everything, only essential things.
    If you want more details, nmap's documentation is very well done.

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